
Where Do I Find Happiness?

Where Do I Find Happiness?

There are so many ways that I've tried to find happiness and joy over the years.

I looked for happiness in my partners.

I looked for happiness in my travels.

I looked for happiness in my child.

 Til one day I truly understood that there is only one person and one place where happiness and joy live.

Don't Judge Me

Don't Judge Me

Don't judge me because I only have one child, you don't know I've had two miscarriages.

Don't judge me because my pants are too snug, you don't realize how much I want them to fit well.....

I shared this on social media a few days ago and it really resonated with so many of you. We know that most people aren't worrying about what we're doing or judging our actions. Truth is, most of us are being far more judgmental about our OWN choices, than what others are doing.

The Leadership Lesson I Didn't Want

The Leadership Lesson I Didn't Want

A few weeks ago, I attended the USANA International Convention in Salt Lake City. And within 24 hours of arriving at Convention this year, I received the gift of a leadership lesson that I really didn't want.

The night before the main event, I had a moment where I felt like I had been overlooked and left out of a very special event. I felt like other leaders who were 'on the same level' as me were invited, and I was not asked to be a part of it.

Meeting Gary Vaynerchuk! And What I've Learned From Him.

Meeting Gary Vaynerchuk! And What I've Learned From Him.

Have you ever worried that when you meet someone who you look up to as a mentor in real life won't be what you expected? I was definitely a bit concerned about the REAL Gary Vee. 

11 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude Daily

11 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude Daily
When we practice gratitude daily, it shapes our view of the world and helps us to be more mindful and appreciate the little things. It’s not always easy to start to a daily gratitude practice, so I recommend you choose one of these at a time.

How Can We Shift Our Body Image?

How Can We Shift Our Body Image?
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how I felt when I saw photos of myself in a bikini. I was feeling disconnected from my body and I really was focusing on how much I didn't like the way I looked in my suit. And on the other hand, I am keenly aware that loving my body exactly where it is right now is so important - especially while raising a daughter.

What Would You Say To Your 16-year old Self?

sunrise over a lagoon

A few weekends ago I burned my journals from high school and University. When I started reading them again, I realized that I would never want my daughter or my mother to read them. What if I were gone tomorrow? Would I want these words to be a part of my legacy? 

I felt so much pain in the words. These weren't gratitude journals. They were full of heartache, loneliness and sexual exploration. 

We all struggle with body image. Here's my journey.

We all struggle with body image. Here's my journey.

I have a lot of respect for ladies who are happily in love with their bodies, unconditionally. Right now, this is something that I'm working on. I love the body positive movement and I think that it's super important for us to celebrate all bodies. Yet, I am on a journey of my own and currently, I'm not in love with my outside body shape.

We live in a time where women are showing their authentic selves on social media. Mel Robbins had a super popular post recently about how she feels about her own body. The thing is? I'm not comfortable about how my body looks right now. And yet, I'm still happy.

Building Momentum in The Summer

Building Momentum in The Summer
Summer is one of the most challenging times for business owners. With the exception of seasonal businesses, many businesses struggle during the sum...

The Best Ways to Stay Healthy on Vacation

The Best Ways to Stay Healthy on Vacation
Summer is here for many of us, we've got a few trips planned. Whether you're travelling with the kids or going on a solo adventure, staying health...

Is Failure An Option?

Is Failure An Option?
Failure has three different definitions according to Google:
  1. lack of success
  2. omission of expected or required action
  3. the action or state of not functioning
At this moment, I feel like there is a lack of success in two new business ventures I launched since March.

How Does Our Mindset Lead to Making Every Day Great?

How Does Our Mindset Lead to Making Every Day Great?
For me, the reason I choose to ask myself difficult questions is that I want to grow. I want to keep moving forward in my life and in my business. To paraphrase Jim Rohn, if you're not growing, you're dying. Nothing in life ever stays still. And it's up to us to decide which direction we are going.