How Does Our Mindset Lead to Making Every Day Great?

Have you thought about what quality questions you are asking yourself? 

One wonderful way to grow and to shift our mindset is to ask ourselves great questions. I was listening to a recent Tim Ferriss podcast with Jerry Colonna, CEO and cofounder of, and they shared some really excellent questions to ask ourselves. In order to best learn from these questions, I recommend you have someone else ask them.

First, what am I not saying that needs to be said?

Second, what am I saying that's not being heard?

Third, what's being said that I'm not hearing?

Taking the time to ask quality questions of ourselves is not easy. We are all so busy and our lives are so full. Why is it critical to take time to reflect and ask questions?

pink clouds at sunrise

For me, the reason I choose to ask myself difficult questions is that I want to grow. I want to keep moving forward in my life and in my business. To paraphrase Jim Rohn, if you're not growing, you're dying. Nothing in life ever stays still. And it's up to us to decide which direction we are going.

When speaking with one of my mentors last week, we discussed these questions together. They are very uncomfortable, and at the same time, a great way to learn about how we are thinking and feeling at this moment in time. A few other great gems came out of our time together, including this new mantra and great daily question I've adopted:

What if I decided that every day is a GREAT day?

Seriously! Why not? After reading Melinda Gates' new book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World, I felt a sense of tremendous gratitude for the quality of life we have here in Canada. It is shocking at how life truly is HARD for millions of women and girls around the globe.

We have a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in, potable water from all our taps, hot water to clean, food in our pantry and refrigeration, electricity, wifi, free education .... the list goes on. One of my favorite videos serves as a reminder of this daily. I've decided to watch it every morning when I wake up.

I invite you to join me in watching this video daily. Imagine how different our frame of mind would be if we committed to watching this every morning.

Will you take the time this week to ask yourself these questions?


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