
What To Leave Behind in 2020 (Part 2)

What To Leave Behind in 2020 (Part 2)
In part one of this three part series, I shared 7 key things to leave behind in 2020. That list includes jealousy and other people's opinions. I continue the list in this post and I'll complete it in part three.

Twenty Things To Leave Behind in 2020 (Part 1)

Twenty Things To Leave Behind in 2020 (Part 1)
Moving into a new decade is an exciting time! I want to go through several things that we can really work on together and I genuinely mean together because I struggle with these just as much as everyone else does.  Let’s move into the next decade with a lot of compassion, kindness, gratitude, and self-love.

Ready For The Next Decade?

Ready For The Next Decade?
There are many blog posts, articles, videos, social posts and emails about doing a review of the past decade and preparing for the next. I've been finding it all a bit overwhelming. The holidays are a great time of year to review the past year and prepare for the next. I've been obsessed with goal setting and 3-5 year plans for over a decade.
What if.....instead of doing the same thing at the end of this decade, we did something completely different?

Four Ways to Avoid Being Busy This Holiday Season

Four Ways to Avoid Being Busy This Holiday Season
We are almost halfway through December and it seems like most of the conversations I have with people begin with ‘I’m so busy right now.’ For many of us, December can be a very full month. It often feels like we are too busy to do anything as our calendars are bursting with events! Busy is one of my least favorite words. What I’ve realized after doing my own time study (thanks to Laura VanDerkamp) is that we all have more time than we think we do. It becomes a matter of choices and priorities. 

Why I'm Skipping Black Friday This Year

Why I'm Skipping Black Friday This Year
Thanksgiving is meant to be a time of gratitude and gathering with family and friends. And sadly, that feeling of gratitude and being grateful for what we already have, disappears within 24 hours.

Does 30 Days of Self-Love Make a Difference?

Does 30 Days of Self-Love Make a Difference?
Back in September, I was inspired by the idea of creating a 30 Days of Self-Love project. There were many things I was struggling with and I knew that I needed to make changes. Many of the strategies I had used in the past just weren't working anymore. I was intrigued by this idea of self-love and wanted to learn more.

Self-Care Sunday, Cliche or a Necessity?

Self-Care Sunday, Cliche or a Necessity?
Do you choose to participate in #selfcaresunday?
This seems so cliche however I really did take care of myself and practice self love on Sunday. I feel like my project on self-love is really helping me to make changes.

How Does Self-Love Change Our Perspective?

How Does Self-Love Change Our Perspective?
What comes to mind when you think about daily self-love practices? Are there strategies that you have when you're overwhelmed or feeling down? Last week, I started a new project called 30 Days of Self-Love. It's a personal journey towards a lifetime of self-love. I've been doing really amazing interviews with women and men who are practicing self-love in some many different ways, in their own lives and with their clients or community.

What A Speaking Tour Experience is Really Like!

What A Speaking Tour Experience is Really Like!
Over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, I did something I've never done before. I was invited on a speaking tour in the US and travelled to 4 cities in 5 days. I've always wondered what it would be like to go on a speaking tour and now I have first hand experience. Would I do it again? Stay tuned.....

What Does Thanksgiving Mean to Me?

What Does Thanksgiving Mean to Me?
As we approach the Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada, it's my favorite time of year because it reminds everyone to be grateful. I would love us all to be grateful every single day of the year. Often, Thanksgiving is a time for people to remember about gratitude. I love that there is a holiday that really focuses on being grateful for what we have, reflecting on our lives, and having gratitude for the year that has passed. And it's a reminder of all the beautiful abundance has come into our lives.

How Do You Get Inspired?

How Do You Get Inspired?
There are times when I feel totally uninspired. That's when my creativity is stifled and my mood is down. I admit, I'm often looking for inspiration in the form of a book, podcast, video or blog. When I want to kick up my inspiration to the next level though, I always attend a live event. That is how I recharge my creativity, make new friends, create solid relationships and get inspired to move mountains!

Give Up? Or Dig Deeper?

Give Up? Or Dig Deeper?

It's almost been a year since we moved to Vancouver Island. And it's been the most challenging year in my business yet. The truth is, I thought about giving up more than once over the past 12 months. So why did I choose to dig deeper instead?

There were moments, many of them, when I wanted to give up. Then I would think about my team back east. And all of the amazing things they were doing. I knew that they weren't going to give up. That fueled me to keep going.