How Can We Shift Our Body Image?
Our mindset really does matter. In this post, I'll share what I've learned about how it's possible to shift our body image.
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how I felt when I saw photos of myself in a bikini. I was feeling disconnected from my body and I really was focusing on how much I didn't like the way I looked in my suit. And on the other hand, I am keenly aware that loving my body exactly where it is right now is so important - especially while raising a daughter.
This photo really reflect a shift that took place after my post.
Many of you shared your own struggles and also gave me a lot of support and food for thought. I took it all in. And I've reached a much better place of loving kindness when I look in the mirror or at a photo of myself.
What did I do to shift? Here are a few of the ideas that have worked for me. Some may work for you, others won't. That's the fun part about this journey of self-love, it's different for all of us.
AND I realized that virtually all women, of all shapes and sizes struggle with body image.
- I read all of your positive comments and took some of your suggestions to heart. Thank you to everyone who posted a comment, send me a message or simply gave the post some love.
- I worked with Karen Shumka and we did some #bodycode work. Visit to find out more about this incredible work.
- I read This Messy, Magnificent Life by Geneen Roth. I've got a two month free trial of the Scribd app on Android. Apple users or desktop downloads get 30 days free.
- I started the 40 day miracle work based on the book by Melody Beattie. The book is called Make Miracles in 40 Days: Turn What You Have Into What You Want.
- I show more gratitude for what my body CAN do, rather than what it CAN'T right now. For example, last week, I did 300 stairs up and down to Blueback beach twice and hiked with friends several days in a row.
- When I look at myself in the mirror, I smile more.
That really had an impact on me. I would like to be a catalyst for change. I'd love for my daughter to grow up loving her body unconditionally. AND for her to be able to have a healthy and positive relationship with food. That's a big ask. The only way for us to create change is by asking to solve the BIG questions. I love how Entrepreneur and mom Julie Cole put it: 'I love the body positive movement but look forward to the time we can move past our bodies.'
You are so beautiful Julie and your body is just perfect on that picture! I wish you could see youself as I see you! Never forget that your body is God’s Temple, your own sanctuary of Light and Love inside yourself! Yes all women struggle with that body image, whatever our shape, weight, looks or age. Practising EFT affirmations and radical self-love practices (through retreats, yoga, energetic work, family constellation and Abraham audios) has changed my self-image and my 2 daughter’s as well! Slowing down and writing everyday has been very blessing! Love your new website and everything you co-create! Enjo your own presence because we all do! Hugs and kisses xox