Self-Care Sunday, Cliche or a Necessity?

Do you choose to participate in #selfcaresunday?

This seems so cliche however I really did take care of myself and practice self love on Sunday. I feel like my project on self-love is really helping me to make changes.

In the past, I would have felt guilty doing so much 'for myself'. I was away from home from Friday to late Saturday night for work. Often feel like I have to get so much done on Sunday because I've been away.

On Saturday, I showed up as my best self for the USANA Product Education Workshop in Richmond. I shared my energy, my passion and my wisdom with my USANA family. And when I returned home to my family later that night, I was exhausted.
Julie Boyer workshop
I made a choice to listen to my intuition on Sunday and do what I needed to do in order to fill my cup again. By choosing to do what I wanted to do, instead of what I felt I was obligated to do, I was able to recover from my event on Saturday.

Here are some of the guilt-free activities I did on Sunday:
  • Several hours on the couch watching HGTV and Netflix
  • Walking around Westwood Lake for over an hour, alone, while listening to an audiobook.
  • Spent time running errands with my family.
  • Started a 5 day Reset program as part of my Self-love project.
  • Watched the sunset.
  • Headed to bed early.
Purple sunset
The next time someone asked you what you did with your extra hour because of daylight savings, it's ok to answer that you watched more Netflix, slept in or hung out on the couch. Choosing how to spend your extra hour is choosing self love.

If you're curious about this 30 Days of Self-Love Project, you can see the videos on my Facebook page, Julie Boyer Gratitude Guru or on YouTube.

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