Where Do We Find Gratitude in a Pandemic?
There has never been a more important time to find gratitude in our lives. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that has yet to peak in North America. It was a bit like a slow-moving tsunami – we could see it coming and never expected how quickly or how hard it would hit our shores. Now is the time for us to share our gratitude as much as possible, and as openly as possible. There will be thousands who will share the news and the updates, I invite you to share your gratitude instead.
This has been recorded (with added content) on my podcast, Wake Up With Gratitude. bit.ly/wakeupwithgratitudepodcast
Where do we find gratitude?
In other human beings
Courageous humans who close their businesses.
Courageous humans who keep their businesses open.
Those who fill the shelves in our grocery stores and pharmacies. The staff at the checkout who are wearing gloves and an ill-fitting mask. And spraying disinfectant every time a customer touches a surface.
Hospital staff who work without breaks, are isolated from their families and are at the greatest risk. Many who don’t have the proper gear or equipment to keep them safe. Working on so little sleep and making horrible decisions about who gets to live and who is left to die.
Those who continue to go to work in many invisible jobs in shipping, packing, manufacturing, sanitation, delivery and our essential services like hydro, natural gas, water and internet.
The airline crews (and airport personnel) who continue to fly across the globe in order to help citizens get home safely. Without the ‘gift’ of a 14-day self-isolation every time they return home.
Our emergency services teams, including the police, paramedics, fire fighters and the armed forces. Who continue to show up when we dial 911; no matter our emergency.
In the way that we are supporting each other
Community groups coming together online. Buddy systems to support those who are in self-isolation. Strangers connecting with strangers who have no one else to talk to.
Offering to drop off groceries, diapers and the most-coveted toilet paper rolls.
Supporting local businesses with purchases of gift-cards and online ordering when possible.
Zoom, Skype, Facetime with friends and family more often than ever.
Sharing positive quotes, images and videos on our newsfeeds.
In nature
The sun continues to rise and set.
The birds are being heard for the first time in many cities.
Trees are blooming. Flowers are blossoming. Grass is growing!
Pollution is at record lows. Blue skies are seen for the first time in years.
The forests bathe us in regenerative energy.
It's the ideal place to practice social distancing.
In ourselves
Our gratitude practices matter.
Our mindset matters.
How we share our love, joy and gratitude matters.
Giving ourselves the gift of time to rest, relax, recharge and reconnect.
Most of us will survive this. We will grieve for those who are lost. And when we emerge from our homes, the world will be a different place. We can choose to be a beacon for gratitude in these most difficult times ahead. There is always something to be grateful for. I leave you with my daily mantra:
Thank you for this gift of another day, and the opportunity to be of service to others and to make a difference in this world.
May you chose to Wake Up With Gratitude every single day.
Please join me on the Wake Up With Gratitude Podcast, available on your favorite apps.
- Episode 31: How I'm Feeling as a 'Gratitude Guru' During These Uncertain Times
- Episode 32: How to Foster Self-Love on Social Media - Several months ago, I connect with Stephanie Packer for my self-love project. And today, her message on how to foster self-love on social media has become incredibly relevant and timely. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it's so important to balance information with love, kindness and positivity. Stephanie continues to be a beacon of positivity on social media during these uncertain and ever changing times.
Listen on Apple Podcast, Stitcher and Spotify
A version of this blog was featured on Thrive Global: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/gratitude-is-my-saving-grace/