How to Use the Law of Attraction to Find Your Perfect Partner
How to Use the Law of Attraction to Find Your Perfect Partner
I love sharing the story about how my husband Dan and I met, because I intentionally put into practice a few simple techniques to attract my perfect partner. If you are still searching for your perfect partner, I’ll teach you how to attract your perfect partner as I share the story of how we met and ended up together for more than 13 years so far (2021).
The first time I watched The Secret was in Oct 2006. This was before it became a world-wide movement. It had a pretty big impact on me, and it was the beginning of a life transforming journey. One of the lessons I learned was about being specific about what it is that you want, just like picking from a catalogue. This seemed like a good idea to me.
The First Step: Finding Clarity
In March 2007, I was dealing with a few personal challenges and needed to spend some time away, alone, in order to have the space to find clarity and direction. I packed up my not-sure-if-we're-gonna make it car and drove to the Poconos (a 6 hour drive away). Looking back, it may not have been the best idea I have ever had, but this week alone was exactly what I needed.
I brought along 9 books (all self-development, except one) and my journal. No laptop or cell phone, not even TV or movies. I spent five days walking in nature, building fires, meeting complete strangers, reading and writing in my journal. I took notes on the books I read and I made long lists of all of the things I wanted in my life.Sometimes, what we really need is to be alone before we are together.
Step Two: Put Things Aside
When I came home from the trip, refreshed and renewed, I put the journal aside and rarely looked at it. Occasionally, I would imagine my dream house (I know every single detail of what it looks like) with my partner and our kids. I could never see his face clearly, but he was tall, with dark hair and for some reason, always wearing a white shirt. I had read somewhere that time doesn’t really exist and that everything in our lives really happens at the same time, just on a different plane. So I used to imagine our life together, happening right now, just on a different plane. I had fun with it, and I didn’t really worry about it.Step Three: The Work
In November of 2007, I was introduced to a book called Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t
In the meantime, the stars were lining up for Dan as well. Dan is from Niagara Falls, and at that time, had been living in St. Catherines, working in Amherst, NY. In the late fall of 2007, Dan was laid off from his role in the States and had to find another job as a computer programmer. Thankfully for me, he was hired by a local company, in Burlington, Ontario in late October 2007. Dan had been single for a while, taking some time for himself after a bad break-up.I was ‘acting as if’ my relationship was already manifested in the real world.
Step Four: Trust Your Gut and Take Action
The next part of the story is how we actually met. It’s a series of amazing ‘coincidences’ that when I look back on now, I can see direct path to my perfect partner, even though I wasn’t conscious of it at the time.Step Five: Create a Connection as Quickly as Possible
Our first phone call was the following Monday evening, and we spoke for over a half hour – in French. Let me tell you guys, speaking French is a GREAT way to pick up French girls!! It’s worth keeping up your high school French. We hit it off immediately, and set up our first date for the following Wednesday at lunch.
Our first date was lunch at Paradiso Restaurant, in downtown Burlington. We sat in a booth, and it was instant electricity for both of us. I kept moving closer to him during lunch … I just wanted to be as close as possible. Needless to say, it was a great first date. We kissed, and I couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the day.
On our next date, we had pretty much decided that we were going to be together, boyfriend and girlfriend. This may seem quick to many of you, however as I was training for Ironman, building my USANA business and working part-time as a tutor, I was clear that I didn’t have time to date. Dan was open to it, so we jumped right in.- My ideal relationship is with a man who is looking for a committed relationship and lives within a 1 hour drive
- My ideal partner is only 6 years old or younger than I am (Dan is 6 years, 3 months younger)
- Fluent in French and English
- He is passionate, and lives his life with passion & purpose and is working towards financial freedom
- He enjoys being physically active
- My ideal partner dreams big and has many exciting goals for our lives
- He inspires me everyday
In the process of attracting my perfect partner, I had also changed. I become the perfect partner for Dan as well. Even though he didn’t do all of the same written work as I did, he had done the work in his mind and heart. And when I shared the full five pages from my journal at our wedding on July 12, 2009, it was clear that I truly had attracted my perfect partner for life.What I had realized is that in order to attract someone with certain qualities, you must exhibit them yourself.
We are open with each other, there are no secrets between us, and we support each other unconditionally. We have been through a lot in the past decade: job losses, apartment fire, change of business, loss of income, birth of our daughter, two miscarriages and me almost losing my life. The one thing that has been stable throughout everything is our love for each other. It may seem cheesy at times, but it’s a pretty amazing feeling to be with the RIGHT person for each other.I chose not to make compromises on what I truly desired and I got it.
Life is too short to be with the wrong person.
We all deserve the best, we all deserve to be happy and we all deserve to be in our perfect relationship.
Step Six: And They All Lived Happily Ever After!
We've now been married for over 12 years and in the past 4 years we have moved 4 times! Including a move across the country. It wasn't easy and we have been through a lot together, which I can say has strengthened our relationship. Today, we are blessed and grateful to live in our single family home, on Vancouver Island. We both work from home and our daughter is homeschooled. We're together most of the time and we are still in love with each other. I share our secrets to staying happily married in another blog post.
What’s your true love story? Have you found your perfect partner? I love hearing how others have come together, are you open to sharing your story in the comments?